Seeking Ceepos web payment pilot customer in Norway

When public organizations in Finland set out to build their services online, they do it with Ceepos. The payment platform doesn’t only serve as a market leader point-of-sales in the Finnish public sector, but also specializes in web payment solutions for Finnish municipalities.

Currently, there are about 100 Finnish public organizations who collect their online payments through Ceepos payment platform. These include both full-on web shops as well as environments consisting of Ceepos payment portals that have been integrated to third party systems.

Whatever the needs are, Ceepos has the right tools to build secure and easy-to-use processes that help both the residents and the public organization.

What do Ceepos web shops look like?

Ceepos web shops are always created to suit the customer’s own brand. Here’s few examples of web shops we have built for Finnish public organizations.

Click the images to visit the web shops:


Interested becoming our pilot customer in Norway? 

Ceepos has a long and successful history in the Finnish public sector and now we are offering Ceepos solutions in Norway for the first time.

We are searching for a Norwegian public organization who is interested in testing out our web payment solutions. The organization can be a municipality, a public educational institution or some other public authority.

How does the pilot work?

  • The pilot starts with mapping out the customer’s payment needs and discussing the suitable solutions.

  • The pilot customer will get Ceepos web payment solutions in their use for a pilot period.

  • The pilot customer can choose 3-5 modules from Ceepos web payment module selection.

  • The payment solution will be integrated to the pilot customer’s financial management system.

  • At the end the customer will be interviewed: what was good, what needs to be improved?

  • Customer gets permanent discount on the fees after the pilot period.

What does the pilot customer get?

  • A functioning, fully-branded web shop deployment.

  • Functioning financial management integrations.

  • Trained staff with skills to update the web payment solution with new products & services.

  • Support & development services


Let’s discuss if Ceepos is the right solution for you!

Leave us your contact details:

Or contact our Sales:

Mikko Kupiainen

Sales and marketing director


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