Career at CPU

Our payment solutions are constantly evolving to stay two steps ahead of the payment industry and the needs of the public sector. To be able to answer for the different demands of our customers and partners, we aim to maintain a strong product development team and train each of our staff to become highly skilled experts in their field.

Are you interested to pursue a career developing the best Nordic payment platform for public sector? Or perhaps you are looking for internship opportunities?

Feel free to send your open application to our CEO Timo Kärkkäinen or contact us through Confirma Software recruitment page

See all open positions offered by Confirma Software

“My internship at CPU was a great experience! I learned a lot of new things about software development and I was able to put all things learned at the uni courses into practice. The internship offered a chance to both challenge myself and enjoy my achievements.”

Susanna Peltoniemi, Junior Software Developer